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This is a private communication to Attorney Phil Elbert
Warning: This transmission falls under attorney-client privilege. If you are not attorney Phil Elbert,
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Sorry for the gap, I removed data to another page, keep scrolling just a bit.
I didn't fully develop all the points of this section because I realized it was not needed, he's caught in such a bad lie he'll eventually admit he was looking at his phone the whole time and never saw them at all, and it is my opinion he is not capable of concocting his testimony and when pressured with perjury he will roll on the attorney(s).
The material below alone would have busted him but to lie about what lane he was in was more than enough.
He desperately wants to hide his phone text records.
1. The first point of impact to the Toyota pickup truck - close up, just ahead of third rivet on step, where buckle in steel step starts

2. The first point of impact to the Toyota was only 2-3 feet behind the driver's ass! It's not plausible that he could think he'd make it, IF HE WAS LOOKING.

The first point of impact to the Toyota was only 2-3 feet behind the driver's ass! It's not plausible that he could ever think he'd make it, IF HE WAS LOOKING.
3. A certified CDL driver can say he misjudged the distance of his truck by a foot or two, even three feet and we might believe him.
But he does NOT, absolutely NOT, get away with saying he made a 35 foot mistake on a 45 foot truck just to cover his lie that he was texting. No jury will believe this. Just 10ft from a head on collision

4. The green is how far he "says" he misjudged it, the red is how close, he came to ramming them head on, ten feet!!! He did this, without ever blowing the horn or wavering his path one inch. He was looking down as he approached the intersection, as he screamed through the intersection without braking until the noise and jolt of the first impact, see pics below

Note here that the truck skid marks start just AFTER he'd hit the first vehicle, other angles of this next.
Here is First Impact in the middle of intersection, not even under the traffic light, he "says" he thought he cleared the cars, he didn't even get under the red light, and red long enough for two cars to pull to the middle of the intersection, it was not even close and yet NO HORN, no brakes until collision, and not one inch did he turn the wheel toward the soft grass, no truck driver drives through cars IF HE SEES THEM, this driver was looking down!!
5. He only got 10 feet of his 45 foot truck through the already very red light! Look below at the arrow straight tracks even after he hit them he didn't react at all but powered on through. He was looking down at his phone WHEN HE HIT THEM.

6. You'll see his skid starts at impact way back at the Toyota seen in previous pic, and extend as straight as an arrow, he did not try to miss them AT ALL because he didn't see them until after he hit them. He did NOTHING to avoid the crash.

7. If he'd actually been looking, he'd seen he wasn't even close, not remotely close, and then he'd blown his horn and swerved into the grass if he had to, like someone else has weeks before.
8. The pictures don't lie, but they show the driver does. My wife's car was second impact, the driver was still ten feet from even clearing the intersection when his REAR WHELLS hit my wife as second impact, there was never had a chance for him to get through that intersection, he was looking down at phone, put him on the stand.

End of truck 2nd impact 1st impact Front
9. The truck driver was looking at his phone while blindly driving through a busy intersection and crashing into two cars without even seeing who he'd hit, that'd be bad news for the insurance company. His testimony is now proven utterly false, and the rest of the evidence shows he was almost certainly looking down, so I believe a jury will conclude he was driving completely blind at the helm of a 15 ton weapon of massive destruction.
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